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Life有個缺 KissGo 376 2020-01-15 12:32:39

    作詞:zwx 作曲:tf 演唱者:pain

  leaves fall from the tree, Flowers fade away, Life is gone,

  My eyes are closing, My heart is shut, My soul is gone, My body is dead,

  I am a dead corp, No feeling, No breathing, No nothing,

  My body is cold, My heart is broken, My brain is empty,

  Friends, Family are nowhere to be found,

  I am lost, lost in the darkness, lost in the endless torture hell,

  I shouted out for light but got the curse, curse from the devil,

  It took away all that I had, only left me with a broken body, the body with scare all over it,

  Even now, I was so damaged and broken, but there is a little fire still inside of me, warmth, maybe that is all I need,

  Walking with severe pain, can not stop, need to keep moving, moving forward, moving forward,

  No complaint, No bitching, Shut the mouth, Drag the body, Keep moving,

  No looking back, Do not look back, Can not look back, Only moving forward,

  Walking among the vultures, beasts are hunting me, demon laughs,

  Raindrop from the sky, wash this dirty body, beasts are running away for a hide,

  I look up to the sky, my eyes filled with lightning and fire,

  Strength, the first time for a very long time, I feel the strength, Is that a feeling of joy or just an illusion?

  I cry out, but no sound, I want to grab and hold it, but nothing there,

  It is all just a big lie, nothing is real,

  Once again, what comes from dust becomes a cloud of dust,

  Endless pain, endless pain, endless pain, endless pain.............





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